
Rosanna Marsella


University of Milan

Rosanna Marsella
Rosanna Marsella
University of Milan

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Pruritus: Diagnostic Approach and Management in Dogs
Date: Jun 19, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM (US Eastern Time)

About Me

: DVM, Universita’ degli Studi dii Milano
1993-6: Residency, University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine
1996: Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Dermatology

: Virginia Tech, College of Veterinary Medicine, Assistant Professor
1997-present:University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine
         1997-2003: Assistant Professor
          2003-2009: Associate Professor
          2009-present: Full Professor

Clinical Focus: 
I see clinical patients with students and residents and our caseload is very heavy for allergies, skin infections and recurrent ear diseases.  Most of the caseload is small animals but I also see horses one day/week. We deal a lot with resistant infections, so my focus has been on the correct identification and management of allergies to minimize flares and recurrence of infections.

Research Focus: 
My research focuses on allergic skin disease in dogs and horses. I have validated a model of canine atopic dermatitis and published a lot on pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis and help with the testing and development of new therapies. In recent years, I have also worked on allergic skin diseases in horses, the role of IL-31 in mediating pruritus in horses and on the development of monoclonals to block equine IL-31. 

Other Significant Career Elements:
Served as president of the ACVD and Co-editor for Vet Dermatol
Chaired the consensus guidelines for allergic skin diseases.
Served as guest Editor for the 2023 JAVMA issue on Dermatology.
Authored BSAVA monograms:
    Manual of Dermatology
    The Manual of Equine Dermatology 
    Clinical Approach to Feline Dermatological Diseases


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