Benefits of Online Continuing Education for Veterinarians

Published on Oct 13, 2022 12:00 AM
Benefits of Online Continuing Education for Veterinarians

Many professions in the United States require annual license renewal. Professionals in such fields must attend continuing education (CE) courses regularly after completing their formal education to stay updated on the latest discoveries.

Continuing education encompasses various postsecondary learning outcomes. The CE can be acquired in a variety of ways, depending upon the concerned field. Some professionals, for example, must take yearly classes or tests to stay current on industry changes. Other occupations require ongoing education in the form of advanced degrees, which prepare people to undertake new roles. Yet, other professions require employees to attend conferences or lectures to learn from other experts in their field.

Continuing education is critical in the field of veterinary medicine as well. All veterinary professionals must take part in various veterinary continuing education courses to keep their license and knowledge up to date. However, online CE has recently grown in popularity.

The following section will go over how online continuing education benefits veterinary professionals.

Online Continuing Education Benefits

All veterinary professionals must attend various webinars, programs, lectures, and conferences to maintain their licenses. Today, the veterinary community can find various resources for earning their annual CE credits online. For example, vet tech continuing education, vet nurse course, and many other veterinary courses are available online.

The availability of these online courses benefits the veterinary community in many ways. Here are some of these advantages.

Flexible Timings

Professionals prefer online learning over in-person learning because they lack time to attend physical classes. Most veterinary professionals holding a 9 to 5 job have a hectic schedule. In addition, they have families to care for, making it impossible to attend specific classes in person.

However, online learning allows you to work at your own pace and from wherever you want. For example, you can take online CE classes during lunch breaks or after the kids go to bed. As a result, online courses give veterinarians scheduling flexibility.

No Commute Issues

In the past, people were frequently required to travel to distant locations to earn CE credits. Besides, it is time-consuming and laborious to commute to distant locations daily for courses. Furthermore, many veterinary courses are most often held in different states. As a result, veterinarians, vet techs, and vet nurses could not travel to other states to attend a course.

Yet, you can attend online veterinary CE anywhere without worrying about your commute. You can become a virtual attendee and earn credits from wherever you are. As a result, online courses eliminate the issue of extended travel.


You will also save money by taking online courses. Online learning is frequently less expensive than attending a class in-person. For example, you will save money on many expenses such as travel, parking, and dining. 

In some cases, online learning is free, as many educational platforms offer free veterinary CE. As a result, you can enroll in free online veterinary CE and earn credits without spending any money. There are also free vet tech CE courses for students and technicians.

Extensive Options

Online learning is not confined to a few courses; rather, it brings endless options for learners in the form of webinars, guides, conferences, and presentations. You can learn by enrolling in courses of your choice. Also, there are many types of educational programs available. There are several platforms available to meet almost any need or interest. Hence, the possibilities are endless in online courses.

Shorter Durations

Online learning sometimes allows you to complete your course faster than if you attended in person. In fact, some online courses move faster than traditional courses while providing the same amount of information and credit. As a result, it is highly convenient for people who lead a hectic lifestyle and work full-time. They can gain the same credits in a shorter period through online continuing education. 


There are many advantages to online continuing education for veterinarians. You get to pick the time and courses you want. Besides, taking online courses can save you a lot of time, effort, and money. Vet and Tech is a great place to look for veterinary continuing education courses. You can choose from various veterinary CE, vet tech courses, and vet nurse courses.

Frequently Asked Question

What Does Continuing Education Mean?

Continuing education is a broad term for additional secondary learning activities following formal education. The term is used chiefly in the United States and Canada to describe the process of updating one's knowledge, skills, and current practices.

Which Occupations Necessitate Continuing Education (CE)?

Many professions necessitate continuing education to stay current on the latest information. For example, Lawyers, veterinarians, engineers, pilots, physicians, nurses, psychologists, architects, and pharmacists must take CE courses to maintain their licenses.

How Many Continuing Education CE Hours Must Veterinarians Complete Each Year?

The number of hours varies according to state or city laws. However, veterinarians must complete 16-45 hours of acceptable continuing education yearly.