The Role of Local Anesthetics in Veterinary Dentistry

Published on Feb 4, 2025 12:00 AM
The Role of Local Anesthetics in Veterinary Dentistry

Local anesthetics have an imperative role to play in veterinary dentistry. These anesthetics ensure patient’s comfort and, most importantly, minimize their pain during dental procedures.

When discussing the anesthetic protocol for dental procedures, local anesthetics are essential for a comprehensive pain management plan. 

Types of Anesthesia 

There are four different types of anesthesia. 

These are

  • Pre-anesthetic drugs
  • General anesthetics
  • Inhaled anesthetics
  • Local anesthetics

Different Anesthetic Requirements in Different Animals

Anesthetics affect various animals differently. The effectivity and post-injection effects could be distinct for different animals. 

Dog Anesthesia

Anesthesia protocols differ with the animals. Anesthetic protocol dog dental procedure has separate requirements. The dose also varies with the disease. For instance, it could be different and prolonged for dog neutering, while it has to be more controlled for dental work. 

Stages of Anesthesia in Dogs

Anesthesia for dogs comes with four stages. A table of the apparent signs and symptoms is given below. 


Stage Name



Stage 1

Voluntary Movement (Excitement)

Initial stage of induction, dog is disoriented but can still move voluntarily. 

Restlessness, panting, or vocalization.

Stage 2

Involuntary Movement (Delirium)

Delirious, uncoordinated movement, and loss of consciousness.

May thrash, vocalize, or paddle

Stage 3

Surgical Anesthesia

Anesthetized, relaxed, and ready for surgery. Desired plane of anesthesia.

Relaxed muscles, slow and shallow respiration

Stage 4


Anesthetic overdose, paralyzed, vital functions are depressed, potentially fatal.

Respiratory & cardiovascular collapse. Requires immediate intervention to prevent death.

Risk Factors For Dogs Undergoing Anesthesia

Anesthesia in dogs is injected according to the surgery and requirement. Dog dental surgery can be challenging for veterinarians, vet techs and pet parents.

Certain risk factors should be considered before injecting the anesthesia into the dogs.

These are 

  • Dog’s age
  • The dog’s size also matters
  • The surgery requirements can play a role
  • A plan beforehand to face any potential complications.

Dog dental operation often involves a combination. This can include intravenous injections and inhalant gases to numb the dog and make him unconscious.

Though the deaths because of anesthesia are rare, they do happen. According to the American Kennel Club, anesthesia makes 1 in 2000 healthy dogs die each year. 

Canine Anesthesia

North American Veterinary Anesthesia Society (NAVAS) states that all patients undergoing dental treatments should be anesthetized, particularly with an endotracheal tube instilled and secured to ensure there is no aspiration of foreign particles and material.

Canine anesthesia concerns the pet's parents as it sometimes involves unforeseen risks. 

The risk factors that come with canine anesthesia are

  • Hypotension
  • Hypoventilation
  • Hypoxemia

Such is the role of anesthetics, which can differ with animals, dental treatment requirements, and many other conditions. 

Join the Local Block Party Webinar – Live with Dr. Jennifer Mathis

A promotional banner for a veterinary CE event titled "Join the Local Block Party," featuring Dr. Jennifer Mathis, scheduled for February 26, 2025, at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.

Advance your veterinary skills by attending the Local Block Party Webinar with Jennifer Mathis, DVM. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a student, this session will provide insights you can apply in your practice.

  • Free virtual learning opportunity
  • Earn 1 CE Credit from an accredited provider
  • Gain knowledge from a leading industry expert

Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Time: 8:00 PM Eastern Time

The Role of Anesthetics in Veterinary Dentistry

Local anesthesia is a must in veterinary dentistry. It has enormous benefits. Injecting anesthesia is a prerequisite of any type of surgery and includes dental surgeries too for the animals before they undergo a knife.

They help with the following; 

Pain Control

Dental treatments are not only painful for humans but for animals, too. Local anesthesia helps control pain during and after the dental procedure.

The dental procedures can include 

  • Extraction
  • Scaling
  • Root planning
  • Oral surgeries

Fewer Anesthetic Requirements

Local anesthesia helps minimize the pain for animals and reduces the need for anesthetics. 

With the relief of the pain, local anesthetics also help reduce the overall anesthetic requirements for the procedure while minimizing the risks associated with general anesthesia.

Better Patient Comfort

The anesthetic also helps with improved patient comfort. This minimizes the pain and discomfort. The local anesthetics provide a relatively more comfortable and stress-free experience for the furry patient. 

Faster Recovery

This further helps with adequate pain management. Local anesthetics also improve recovery, resulting in a quicker return to normal function. 

Patients particularly feel better after dental procedures. Not taking care of all these details can prolong the recovery. 

Dental pain can make the whole body restless while making the brain slow to respond and function.

Commonly Used Local Anesthetics in Veterinary Dentistry:

Here are a few widely used local anesthetics in the veterinary industry.


Lidocaine has a major use. It is a local anesthetic with a rapid onset of action and moderate duration. 


Bupivacaine is another longer-acting local anesthetic. It is quite beneficial for the prolonged pain relief.


The next most used is mepivacaine. It is the local anesthetic which has a moderate duration of action. 

Local anesthesia for pets can depend on clinical references. Moreover, these can also vary with practitioner experience.

The parameters that can affect this are

  • Dose
  • Concentration of drug
  • Volume of injectate 

Key Considerations in Local Anesthesia Protocols

Pet dental care can get challenging at times. The right amount of anesthetics is often a matter of concern for pet parents, too. 

An overdosing or wrong injection of local anesthesia can have grave and irreversible consequences. 

Therefore, it is crucial to consider certain aspects for veterinarians and vet specialists to deal with controlled local anesthesia.

Patient Selection

In veterinary dental anesthesia, deciding according to the patient's selection is essential. As mentioned above, it could vary for dogs, as well as for other pets.

The choice and specific technique could vary with the following factors

  • Patients age
  • Breed
  • Medical history
  • Type of dental procedure

Drug Selection and Dosage

The next factor to consider is the selection of the drug and its recommended dosage. The drug selection needs to be appropriate in terms of quantity and selection.

The dosage and injection technique are considerable for the safety and effectiveness of the doses. Moreover, anesthetic protocol dog dental demands detailed attention. 

Patient Monitoring

This goes without saying and is inevitable for such procedures. The patient should be monitored closely throughout the procedure to deal with emergencies.

Animal oral surgery can get tricky if not done vigilantly. Effective working of local anesthetic is imperative to identify any potential complications. 

Side Effects of Local Anesthesia For Dental Procedures

While generally safe, local anesthetics used in dental procedures can sometimes cause side effects. These are usually mild and temporary, but it is advised to be aware of the possibilities:

Temporary Numbness

It is very normal and common for animals to have temporary numbness. One of the common side effects that animals experience after anesthesia is numbness. 

It often goes away within a few hours.

Slight Bleeding

Slight bleeding is also common at the injection site.

Temporary Soreness

Many animal patients get to experience mild pain and soreness at the injection sites.

Taste Alterations

Temporary changes in taste sensation can occur in some cases, too.

Dizziness or Lightheadedness

Dizziness and lightheadedness are very likely to happen in some cases and are normal side effects of local anesthesia. 

When it comes to anesthetic protocol dog dental or cats, or for that matter any pets, can get life-threatening due to negligence while injecting the anesthetics. 

Veterinarians have to be vigilant and attentive. Vet and Tech is arranging a block party to address all such concerns of veterinarians, where they will be guided about the 

  • Pain management pathway 
  • Local anesthesia
  • Use of block drugs 
  • Doses and delivery methods.

Register now for the webinar on local block party with Vet and Tech.

VetandTech is a veterinary educational platform that provides fantastic opportunities for vet specialists to attend veterinary conferences, webinars and earn CE credits. They intend to bring betterment to the veterinary community by making these resources accessible to one and all.

Veterinary Pain Relief Methods

A few veterinary pain relief methods, with brief details and examples, are given below.

Method Category 




Drugs to reduce pain and inflammation 

NSAIDs (carprofen, meloxicam), Opioids (morphine, fentanyl), Other analgesics (tramadol, gabapentin)

Local Anesthetics

Numb a specific area

Lidocaine, bupivacaine

Adjunctive Therapies

Non-pharmaceutical approaches.

Physical therapy, acupuncture, laser therapy, chiropractic care

Other Considerations

Important factors in pain management

Multimodal analgesia, pain assessment, individualized treatment plans

Techniques for Local Anesthesia in Dental Procedures:

There are different techniques for local anesthesia in dental procedures. Veterinary professionals and surgeons often implement the most comfortable methods, which go in the patient's favor in the long run.

While anesthetic protocols for dog dental procedures can vary, the techniques are generally similar for most animals.

Two of them are; 

Infiltration Anesthesia

This involves the injection of the anesthetic solution directly into the tissues surrounding the tooth to be treated. This becomes evident for some dental surgeries or could be extremely painful otherwise.

Nerve Blocks

The nerve block involves the injection of the anesthetic solution near specific nerves, which innervates the area to be treated. 

The standard nerve blocks in veterinary dentistry could include the following three nerves.

  1. Maxillary nerve block: For block’s sensation in the upper jaw.
  2. Mandibular nerve block: Mandibular talks about the block sensations in the lower jaw.
  3. Infraorbital Nerve Block: The block’s sensation in the upper teeth of the canine and premolar region. 


Local anesthetics have a significant role to play in veterinary dentistry. Animals often have to undergo dental surgeries, and anesthesia is a must. 

However, the vet surgeons need to have a special check and control on the dose of the anesthesia. 

Anesthetic protocols vary with animals, and anesthetic protocol dog dental procedures should be considered accordingly. Any negligence in this regard can lead to disastrous consequences. 

Vet and Tech is a veterinary educational platform that aims to keep vet specialists and surgeons updated and informed with different educational content. 

We also offer various webinars to upgrade and improve veterinary services. You can also earn CE credits by participating in different Vet and Tech webinars. Visit the website now to explore endless learning opportunities.