Psittacosis (Chlamydiophila psittaci)
Psittacosis is a disease that is caused due to bacteria (Chlamydia Psittaci) which spread through the respiratory secretions and droppings of the infected birds. People who get psittacosis have exposure to poultry, turkeys, ducks, cockatiels, pet birds, and parrots. When pet birds are infected, veterinarians call this avian diseas chlamydiosis.
How It Spreads :
People commonly get psittacosis due to breathing in an environment with respiratory secretions and droppings of infected birds. Rarely will the birds infect people from bites or contact with the beak.
Who Is At Risk :
Any person can get psittacosis, but it is common among adults. Moreover, those with pet birds are at high risk of this disease.
Signs In Birds :
The birds infected with psittacosis will not be showing any symptoms. But some of them which would show the symptoms include discharge from the nose, eyes, diarrhea, green urates, loose droppings (the droppings are white), causes difficulty in breathing.
Symptoms In People :
The people who get sick with psittacosis will have chills, fever, headache, muscle aches, difficulty in breathing, and dry cough. The symptoms will show up after 5 to 14 days. Less commonly, many people have reported the symptoms of this disease after 14 days.