Tickborne Diseases

Tickborne Diseases in Horses

The horses have a higher risk of tick-borne infections such as tularemia, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, etc. Also, the horse owners need to contact veterinarians to prevent ticks on their pet horses. Treating horses for ticks will eventually reduce the risk of tickborne diseases for your horse and yourself.

How Does It Spread?

The ticks get infected by biting any ill animal. Besides, the tickborne germs can spread through one bite of an infected tick.

Who Is At Risk?

Those people and horses who spend more time in bushy, wooded, or grass areas have a high risk of getting tick bites. The ticks are found near ears, eyelids, under or at the back of the legs, and around the tail. You can remove the ticks from horses and treat them to reduce the risk of tickborne diseases.

Signs In Horses :

The horses infected due to tickborne disease might show symptoms that range from mild to severe. The tickborne disease can cause death. For instance, anaplasmosis is caused due to an Anaplasma phagocytophilum.

Signs In Horses :

The symptoms of bornetick include depression, swelling of limbs, lack of appetite, the underside of the chest, and discoloration of the mucous membrane.

Signs In People :

The tickborne disease symptoms are not the same in all people. The symptoms include chills, body aches, fever, and rash. Some of the tickborne diseases can be chronic and life-threatening. Consult your healthcare provider if you have been bitten with a tick or have these symptoms.

Preventing Tick Bites

Ticks do not have a specific period to occur. However, some ticks are active in warmer months, from April to September.

  • Before You Go Outdoors

The ticks are present in bushy, woody, and grassy areas. Also found in animals. If you spend time outside walking with your pet, you will have more chances to get intact with ticks.

  • Choose Clothing And Gear Accordingly

The products with 0.5 percent permethrin can keep the person safe and protective from ticks. So, choose the permethrin cloth while buying the boots, clothing, or any other clothing item.

Moreover, Consider the environment protectant repellent external icon that contains DEET, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), 2-undecanone, and para-menthane-diol (PMD). But do not use the item with PMD or OLE on children under three years old.

After Coming Indoors

  • Check the clothes for any signs or presence of ticks
  • Examine the pets and gear
  • Shower soon or after coming from any outdoor place
  • Shower after coming from any outdoor area that would consist of ticks

Common Body Areas Where Ticks Can Be Found:

  • In and around the ears
  • Under the arms
  • At the back of the knees
  • Between the legs
  • Around the waist
  • In and around the hair