Aural Hematoma Repair To Prevent Inflammation Of The Ear Canal

Aural Hematoma Repairing Procedure

If your four-legged friend scratches or shakes his head often, blood can build up in the ear canal's cartilage, forming an "Aural hematoma." Allergic skin reactions, pesky ear mites, strange foreign objects, or even your pet's overenthusiastic exploration through bushy trails can be the hidden culprits. This can lead to protruding ears and unpleasant symptoms that make playing annoying.

In addition, ear bruises are caused by accidental trauma or blows to the ear canal. For example, this can happen if your pet hits a bush with its ear while running. Conversely, a bite from another dog or wild animal also can be a reason.

if your pet suffers, you must opt for the necessary surgical procedures to treat ear hematoma. This treatment minimizes scarring and prevents severe ear damage and discomfort.

Join us to learn about the causes, prevention, and aural hematoma treatment because your pet deserves the best! So, stay tuned and read on!

Symptoms of Canine Aural Hematoma

The hematoma can originate as a small lesion that increases in size, and over time it can lead to sequelae with ear deformation. Thus, the main signs of canine hematoma are:

  • Ear swollen, bloody, hot, red;
  • A lot of discomfort and pain
  • "Blood blister," "clot," or "lump" in the ear;
  • Scratching and shaking;
  • Deformation and thickening of the ear.
  • Head to one side

How To Depict The Aural Hematoma?

In a pet animal, the ear hematoma will make the ear flap heavy and swollen. However, the swelling will not be significant if the scratch shows on one side of the pinna. On the other hand, if the whole ear flap has blemishes or lesions, then the ear flap will droop and not stand up straight due to more significant swelling. 

Likewise, the hematoma will provide a squishy feel. More than that, the pressure on the ear irritates and hurts the pet.

Hence, the veterinarian will look closer at the inner side of the pet's ears. To examine a dog hematoma, the veterinary doctor can take a needle sample to ensure the presence of blood in the swollen area. Also, they can rule out other aspects, such as the swelling caused or the mass on the pet's ear. Sometimes, the swelling in the ear can be due to a bee sting.

Prevention Of Hematoma

The simplest way to prevent the hematoma is by keeping the ears of the pet clean and healthy as hematoma arises due to head shaking and ear scratching. Moreover, you can ask your veterinarian for the best advice because the precautions will vary from one pet to another.

Some of the pets require occasional ear cleaning, while the other dogs require frequent cleaning of the ears. The pups with droopy-eared breeds, such as cocker spaniels and basset hounds, have a higher risk of ear infections and ear problems.

Thus, owners should look for better ear care solutions for the better health of their pets. Ear hematoma surgery is the best solution. 

Note: Aural hematoma surgery cost between $300 to $2500 

How to Treat Ear Hematoma? 

Treating a hematoma in an animal's ear usually requires professional veterinary care. Let's discuss how a veterinarian can treat this condition:

Non-Surgical Treatment

Sometimes, the veterinarian may choose to aspirate the hematoma to draw out the blood with a needle and syringe. However, this method has a high recurrence rate, as the area can refill with blood.

Surgical Treatment

Hematomas in the ears of animals are often most effectively treated with surgery. The surgical procedure and its importance are explained in more detail below:

  1. Surgical drainage: A surgical procedure will completely drain the hematoma. During the process, the veterinarian incurs the swollen ear to release the blood and clots. This provides immediate relief from the pressure and pain of the hematoma.
  2. Prevent recurrence: The surgery also prevents a new hematoma from forming. After draining the blood, the veterinarian can suture the flap precisely to close the space where blood can seep in. This is an excellent advantage of the operation over simple aspiration with a needle and syringe, as aspiration often results in a high recurrence rate.
  3. Placement of a drain: the veterinarian sometimes places a temporary drain in the earlobe. This prevents the accumulation of new blood and reduces the risk of a new hematoma.
  4. Removal of the underlying cause: Ear hematoma Surgery also offers the possibility of removing all underlying causes. For example, if there is an ear infection or mite infestation, the veterinarian can prescribe appropriate treatment, such as antibiotics or antiparasitic.
  5. Long-term results and healing: The ear may heal without surgery with significant scarring and deformity, commonly called "cauliflower ear."

Remember that a professional veterinarian must perform these procedures, which are unsuitable for home treatment. Therefore, if you suspect an Aural hematoma dog, you should seek veterinary care immediately.

What Follow-Up Treatment Is Needed After Aural Hematoma Surgery?

Aural hematoma surgery recovery in a pet is essential to ensure proper healing and avoid possible complications. The following are some of the steps typically taken in the postoperative treatment of an ear hematoma:

  • Medication: The veterinarian will most likely prescribe a series of painkillers to keep your pet feeling well after surgery. If there is a risk of infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. If an underlying cause has been identified, such as ear mites or disorder, treatment for these conditions (e.g., antiparasitic or topical ointments) will be continued.
  • Examinations: Regular examinations are necessary to monitor healing and the removal of stitches or drains if they were placed during surgery. The first examination usually takes place a few days to a week after the operation, but your veterinarian will give you a specific schedule.
  • E-collar: To prevent your pet from scratching its ear or shaking its head, which can disrupt the healing process, an Elizabethan collar (or electronic collar) is often used. Your pet will probably have to wear this collar until the ear is completely healed.
  • Monitoring at home: At home, you should watch the surgical site for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus discharge, or severe pain in your pet. Ensuring the pet eats, drinks, and usually behaves is also essential.
  • Ear cleaning: Depending on the veterinarian's recommendations, a light ear canal cleaning may be necessary. If this is the case, the veterinarian will advise you how to do this safely and without inconvenience to your pet.
  • Limit activity: Some pets must limit physical activity in the immediate postoperative phase to avoid accidental injury to the healed ear.

Always follow your veterinarian's specific instructions for postoperative care. They know your pet's medical history and the specifics of the surgery performed and can give you the best advice for your pet's recovery. In addition, if you notice anything unusual or problematic while the Aural hematoma cat is recovering, don't hesitate to contact your veterinarian.

What Happens If An Ear Hematoma Is Left Untreated?

An aural hematoma is an accumulation of blood in an animal's ear flap, often caused by vigorous shaking or scratching due to an ear infection, parasite, or skin condition. This can cause blood vessels to rupture, resulting in a painful and swollen ear.

If the ear is not treated, several problems can occur:

  1. Persistent pain and discomfort: Painful ear sores are often excruciating for the pet and can cause considerable discomfort, especially if the pet moves its head or touches the swollen ear.
  2. Risk of secondary infection: A secondary infection may develop if the skin is damaged or the hematoma ruptures. This can increase the pet's discomfort and pain, leading to serious health problems. Moreover, tumors can also form if you ignore this situation. Your pet will need ear canal tumor removal surgery to get rid of that.  
  3. Ear deformity (cauliflower ear): This deformity can be due to the formation of fibrous tissue during the healing process.
  4. Untreated underlying cause: A lump in the ear may indicate another problem, such as an ear infection or ear mites. If left untreated, these conditions can worsen and lead to further complications, such as a deeper ear infection that can damage the ear canal and inner ear, causing balance problems and hearing loss.

For this reason, it is generally advisable to consult a veterinarian in the event of an ear infection. Treatment will alleviate immediate symptoms and identify and treat underlying conditions contributing to the problem.

To Sum Up

Hematoma should be quickly addressed, even if it is not an emergency. The faster treatment will lead to minimal scar formation and prevention of the discomfort and heavy flaps of the ear. The treatment of hematoma will also include the causes of the disease and prevent it from happening in the future.

If you are doubtful that your pet has an aural hematoma, visit a good veterinarian so they can analyze the issue and treat it accordingly. Thanks for a read!